Our Doctrine
A Declaration of Those Things Most Surely Believed Among Us
We believe in the verbal inspiration of the whole Bible,
II Timothy 3:16,17
The Triune God,
Matthew 28:19
The Genesis account of Creation.
The Deity of Jesus Christ,
John 10:30
The vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ,
Hebrews 2:9
That salvation is wholly by grace through faith in Christ,
Ephesians 2:8;
and that all believers are preserved eternally,
I Peter 1:5;
John 10:27-30
the bodily resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, and the bodily resurrections of His saints,
I Corinthians Chapter 15; the second coming of Jesus Christ, personal and bodily, as the
crowning events of this Gentile age,
Acts 1:11, to set up His kingdom on earth and to rule upon
the earth one thousand years,
Revelation 20:6
The Bible doctrine of eternal punishment of th finally impenitent,
Matthew 25:46
A Scriptural church is a visible assembly of baptized believers, coveted together under New Testament
law for the purpose of carrying out the Great commission, with an unbroken history form the personal
ministry of Jesus on earth to this present day.
We hold what true Baptists have ever held: That the Great Commission was given to the churches only; that
in kingdom activities the church is the only unit in the associated work; that each church should
exercise equal authority; and that the churches should meet their responsibility according to their
several abilities.
All co-operating bodies, such as Associations, Conventions, boards, committees, etc., are and
properly should be servants of the churches,
Matthew 20:25-28.
Scriptural baptism is immersion of believers, administered by a New Testament church;
the Lords's Supper is a memorial ordinance, restricted to faithful church members.